Spotlight On: Virtual Summer Leadership Conference
Summer for the LMTI Staff is typically a time of organized chaos. We are usually surrounded by boxes of binders, reams of paper, bundles of yarn, piles of student applications, and some kind of large scale, last-minute-but-totally-necessary art project. Someone is usually sitting on the floor sorting beads, someone is usually tearing apart the closet looking for the leftover candles, and someone is usually pleading with the copy machine to work so we can finish printing name tags. While it may sound frenzied, this is the sweet spot of our jobs. This is where we thrive. We do all of this "before" work so that the minute we step onto the grounds at Camp Mason, we can watch the "after" unfold. The "after" belongs to our incredible youth. The "after" is the magic of those incredible youth pausing, reflecting, realizing, and celebrating the fact that they are capable of great things, and that they are deserving of love and goodness.
This year, our "before" has been anything but typical. Instead of being surrounded by mountains of camp supplies, we are surrounded by so many mixed emotions about the way things are right now. We know we are not alone in feeling like sometimes, these mountains of 2020, with all of their challenges and uncertainty, seem insurmountable. We all need the "after" of LMTI now, more than ever.
After so much careful and heartfelt discussion, we have put together an experience that we feel is going to get us as close as we can to Camp Mason without actually driving to Hardwick. We are committed to keeping you connected, motivated, and inspired at this time when we need it the most. We hope you will join us for what we know will be an uplifting and bright spot during these difficult times. Please check out the info below, and share with ANYONE you think could benefit from being a part of LMTI this summer. Thank you for your continued support and we will see you online soon!
Click on the links below to register now! All youth and adults are welcome to participate. This is a great time to introduce friends & colleagues to LMTI!
All youth, including YACs, must register using this link!
All adults, including CATS, must register using this link!
Wondering how this works for your Action Group? Check out the link above to learn more!
It wouldn't be an LMTI Summer Leadership Conference without an incredible line up of inspiring and thought-provoking presenters! We've brought together all of your LMTI faves, and also added a few news faces and topics to give you and your students a powerful online experience!