LMTI Spotlight

LMTI Spotlight: Mental Health


Spotlight On: Mental Health

As we all work together to navigate the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are thinking a lot about the youth in our lives. Youth everywhere are feeling the impact of this global crisis. Adolescents and teenagers are at particular risk during this time, as we know that this age group often responds more strongly to stress during difficult times. The loss of school, regular activities, positive support of teachers and other adults, and social distance from peers makes youth even more vulnerable. Those who have a pre-existing mental health condition, those who are experiencing family struggle related to disparity and/or the coronavirus, and those who facing additional stigma may be affected even more.  It’s so much for our youth to handle.

We owe it to our youth, even though we may not be able to be physically with them right now, to give them our support and help them cope during this difficult time. The more we know about mental health ourselves, the more we can help our youth.

We’ve compiled and created some helpful resources that are good to use anytime, but that you may find especially helpful right now:

Webinar Series

Join our Assistant Supervisor, Rachel Taylor, as she explores the basics of Mental Health. This presentation contains great info with accessible language and practical knowledge for both youth and adults.

We’ve pre-recorded this session and kept it to 30 minutes long (in case you are feeling webinar/Zoomed out like we are!) so you can watch it at your leisure.

Journal Printouts

A free resource you can share with the teenagers you work with filled with easy to do positive self care and mindfulness activities. We’ll be providing new pages every week, so they can build a journal that will grow and grow!


An ever growing list of resources that can provide support, hope, and help can be accessed on the LMTI Resources Page.

You can also check out these links, which feature helpful articles and other resources specific to supporting adolescent/teenager mental health during this pandemic:

CDC- Stress & Coping

UNICEF- How teenagers can protect their mental health during coronavirus (COVID-19)

Mental Health First Aid- Tips to Help Teens Cope During COVID-19

Prevention Portal

Seize the Awkward

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Prevention Portal

Town Hall Meeting

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Town Hall Meeting

T own hall meetings will provide your club the chance to work directly with the issues in your own community. They give your club and the public a chance to talk about the issues they find important, and hopefully find solutions to any problems. Each community runs its town hall meetings in a different way, but there are a few things all meetings have in common. The instructions below will help the meeting run successfully!


Provide Info to Public

Target Audience


Prescription Drugs




Any Important Topic


Providing Information

Enhancing Access/ Reducing Barriers

(If childcare is provided)

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Prevention Portal

Mission imPOSITIVE

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Mission imPOSITIVE

This activity is a chance for you to spread kindness and positivity throughout your community! Your group will create small positivity challenges and hide them throughout the school or community. As individuals start finding the challenges, you’ll be able to sit back and see how one small gesture can contribute to a culture of kindness.


Promote Positivity

Target Audience



Community Members

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